繼台北東區店後又開新復合式店面的新梗 以下是他的來信與店圖 恭喜您嚕
Dear Friends,
How are you?? The weather of Hong Kong and Taiwan are not too stable, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. remember to take good care, don't get sick!!
I am still flying around with C.I.Boys. just finished the C.I.Boys' World Exhibition at Taiwan Kaohsiung. Thank you very much again for all the afford and supporting!! you can check there is a lot of warm and nice comments on the message board. It is a beginning of our summer tour, please stay with us at this summer. we will give you a big big surprise of our creation! I am sure, CIBOYS will be a superstar again at this summer
The brand New C.I.SHOP is Open at Taipei, the new shop will be totally different than the one before, we have a crystal light at there!! haha.. hope you like the style and design, we will have a new label of all the trendy products, it will launch at this summer!! Again, stay with us for the detail!!
Please check the C.I.WORLD Website for details:
another funny news, I learn to ride the motorbike at Kaohsiung when I am Free!!!
so fun!! :)
- May 02 Sat 2009 22:38
黃子佼編撰潮流時尚玩具news~佼報告之<ci boys&米原康正的新梗>